In-House Design
Story board
Video Edit
Team Work
Promo Video
Using existing materials to make attractive video trailers to promote app and original stories.
Capturing attention via video which is full of thoughtful and engaging creatives.
Wolf girl
A crime story about a young women taken from her rural Canadian home and brought to London and became a subject in an obsessive scientist's experiment.

After talking with writers and concept artists, I made the story board to show how this video tell the story and show the hook.
Story board

- They highlight the ‘best bits’ of the film; the very funny,
the very sad, the action-packed, the bizarre
- They are not shown the story in narrative order
- Some visual images stay on screen for only just enough time
for people's mind to realize what they are seeing
- Conversations between characters usually consist of one line each
- Unusual angles are often used to show events or characters
- Voiceovers are used to tell the story and give credit information

Then I put all the thoughts into After Effect to animate
Project file from After Effect